Friday, October 24, 2008

Reading Logs

Students will be receiving their new reading log on Monday. Please remember to return your COMPLETED reading log, regardless of whether or not we have school, on November 7, 2008. Reading 30 minutes a night will allow you to become a more fluent reader!!! PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT!

Textbooks Online

Recently I have been asked the question, "Can the Science and Social Studies Textbook still be found online?"
Science ..
1) Click on Online Student Edition (OSE)
2) Username : casci05
3) Password: redwood
Social Studies...
1) Click on the Student tab
2) Enter class code: Owen2007
You will find our textbook listed by grade level.

As for Language Arts.. has a number of activities that go along with each of our themes and stories. However, unfortunately, they don't have the entire textbook online!

Hope this helps!!!